Page Updated 09.06.23
Gardening Club
Gardening Star of the Week
08.06.23: Gardening Star of the Week goes to Bella for her full commitment and non stop work during the session - helping Lynne to re-pot the seedlings and then sweeping around the path to the pond area. Well done Bella.

8th June 2023
A big "Thank You" to Paynton, Ronnie, Mum and Dad for the kind donation of tadpoles for our school pond.
We shall have lots of fun seeing the changes whilst growing into frogs.

6th June 2023

3rd February
A big congratulations to our Gardening Club members as our grant application was successful for the RHS Sustainable Futures Grant 2023.
We submitted the application back in November - The main area we would like to improve is the pond and within the Wildlife area.
The children have started to empty the pond during the gardening club sessions - which has proved to be great fun.
Gardening Club members shall discuss with Mrs Willis about having a "Ground Force" weekend to enhance our school grounds. So watch this space!
More information here...2nd February
19th January
What a busy afternoon out in the garden!
We refilled our bird tables. Worked on the pond area. Witnessed lots of new growth within the gardens. Managed to find lots of interesting Ice shapes!
Worked on our scarecrow to be added to the wildlife area once finished.
The session whizzed away and the children all agreed it was a fun afternoon to be outdoors.
17th November
This week we had Kevin Middleton our Parish Councillor came to visit the session, to talk about our next phased stage with the community play park . Kevin spoke to the children about the successful grant application and the children's ideas for this area.
The next stage of development to the play area is to plan a parent, Grandparents and ex-students invite to clear the area and then plan another date to bring the area into its final stage. Then the Gardening Club members will maintain this area with the help of the wider community.
This is a very exciting project for our Gardening Members and this was evident when Kevin spoke with the club.
10th November
Today we actually witnessed the schools ethos of "Working together to Achieve together" as we managed to plant 300 bulbs into the ground and into pots during the session. The bulbs have been donated by the bulbs4schools scheme.
We also managed to plant our garlic and onions into trays ready to plant out once shoots have appeared.
It was lovely seeing the children working in their areas and completing the tasks that were needed to be done.
Well done Gardening Club - the grounds are going to look colourful in the spring.
3rd November
What a busy afternoon during our gardening club session - we planted bulbs, raked the fallen leaves.
The greenhouse had a good sort out.
The wildlife area was cleared of leaves and the raised beds dug over ready for planting our bulbs.
13th October
Another lovely afternoon out in the sunshine.
Today we planted our Edina Trust daffodil and crocus bulbs into our individual pots. We will observe the growth of the bulbs and eventually submit data to the Museum Wales. During the session we had Ian - Arthur's cousin from America join us today as he shall be helping Arthur replace the pond liner.
Very exciting! Pete returned today to work on the willow dome - looking really good, and starting to take shape. We all agreed we had a fun afternoon maintaining the school grounds.
6th October
What an extremely busy afternoon we had whilst the sun was shining down on us.

We had Pete and Jake work on our Willow dome to tidy it up and already it's looking good.
We had the year 6 children take the lead on the club and they managed to identify our "Stars of the Week" for their hard work and listening skills whilst in the session.

We had our year 5 children being very responsible and taking groups of younger children to work in areas of the grounds.

During the session Tommy managed to find crested newts under a paving slab in our fruit cage area.
We ended the session eating our apples growing in our grounds and we all agreed they were very tasty.
A big well done to the year 6s - they did a fabulous job organising the session today and identifying the Stars of the Week.