Page Updated 11.02.25
School Uniform
Changes to School Uniform Ordering
Effective from now, Price and Buckland have changed their online ordering system - see below.
The links on the website will be amended to reflect the new arrangements.
Go to Stanford-in-the-Vale Price & Buckland login

School uniform should be worn every day unless it is a day that children are required to come in wearing PE kit, there is a non-uniform day, or the children are requested to wear home clothes because of a trip, event or activity that requires it. We ask for your co-operation in maintaining our high standards of uniform.
The school colours are red, grey/black and white. Uniform with school logos can be purchased from Price and Buckland, (a link is also available on the home page) otherwise it can be purchased from high street stores.
- Black/grey pinafore, skirt, culottes or trousers
- White or red polo shirt
- Red school sweatshirt or cardigan
- Sensible black shoes
- Red and white checked dress, black/grey pinafore, skirt, culottes, tailored shorts or trousers
- White or red polo shirt
- Red school sweatshirt or cardigan
- Sensible black shoes or sandals
PE Kit
- Black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms
- Team colour t-shirt (either red, green, blue or yellow)
- Plimsolls or trainers
- School jumper for outside use (no hoodies please)
- For swimming children will need swimming trunks/costume, goggles and a hat (no bikinis or long shorts)
Forest School (Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2)
- Black joggers or leggings
- School polo shirt
- School jumper
- Wellington boots
- School provides overalls when they are needed
All children with longer hair need to make sure it is tied back neatly and securely. Please ensure children have sensible hair styles.
Should not be worn except for watches and small stud earrings. Children must be responsible for these. During PE lessons these need to be removed or taped over for Health and Safety reasons.
Additional items
A school book-bag (can be obtainable from Price and Buckland)
A pair of Wellingtons for outdoor activities in Years Foundation, 1 and 2
A water bottle
A waterproof coat
A sun-hat (can be obtainable from Price and Buckland)
PLEASE MARK ALL CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME. This enables us to return items of lost property to their owners promptly. Please use a permanent marker or name labels.
Friends of Stanford School (FOSS) sell nearly new school uniform. If you are interested in obtaining nearly new school uniform please contact the School Office for further information.