Page Updated 10.02.24
Sharing Assembly
On Friday 9th February we held our second sharing assembly of the academic year.
Lots of parents and grandparents came to watch the children showcase some of their learning.
- Foundation performed a Chinese dragon dance and song with actions.
- Year 1 retold the story of Handa's Surprise and read one of their own adapted stories.
- Year 2 told us some facts about Countries in the UK and local places to visit and finished with a song they learnt.
- Year 3 sang Three Little Birds and played their own glockenspiel compositions in the middle.
- Year 4 showed us their work based on the artist Hokusai and informed us about earthquakes and volcanoes.
- Year 5 read some of their environmental pledges and performed the song 'I am the Earth.'
- Year 6 took us through their English, Maths, Science, French and Art learning from this term.
Many thanks to all the staff and children for their hard work and thank you to everyone who attended.