Page Updated 26.10.24
Sharing Assembly
On Friday 25th October we held our first sharing assembly of the academic year.
The children showcased some their learning.
- Foundation sang a song called 'It's my name' and accompanied it with shakers.
- Year 1 recited a seasons poem and gave us facts about the different seasons.
- Year 2 read poems they had written about animals and sang the continents song.
- Year 3 sang a meet and greet song in French.
- Year 4 demonstrated their multiplication knowledge by singing two times table songs.
- Year 5 held up their pharoah death masks and told us lots of facts about Ancient Egypt.
- Year 6 concluded the assembly with a range of work linked to WWII, including a poem, non chronological report facts, peace posters and artwork of the London skyline.
Thanks to the many parents who came along to see the children's learning.