Page Updated 30.08.23
In Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the children are assessed against the objectives in the National Curriculum (2014), relevant for their year group. Year 1 = Stage 1, Year 2 = Stage 2, Year 3 = Stage 3, Year 4 = Stage 4, Year 5 = Stage 5 and Year 6 = Stage 6.
Within those stages the children could be, 'working toward, expected standard, greater depth'
The expectation is that at the end of a school year the children are at the 'expected standard' in the appropriate stage.
As teachers, during and after a lesson we will assess the children's understanding, any misconceptions and ways to develop the children's learning/understanding. These will be addressed during the lesson or at the beginning of the next lesson.
In the Foundation Stage, the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, which is a statutory framework. Throughout the year, the staff undertake observations of the children, at play and at work, to build up a picture of the whole child. This information is then used to identify whether they are at an 'emerging' level or the 'expected' level. The expectation is that at the end of the Foundation year the children are at the 'expected' level