white horse logo with values Love, Hope, Community
Stanford in the vale CE Primary SchoolStanford in the vale CE Primary School
High Street Stanford In The Vale Faringdon Oxon. SN7 8LH
Tel: 01367 710474 Fax: 01367 718429
Headteacher: Mrs Amanda Willis
Siams Outstanding and Ofsted Good Provider
Siams Outstanding and Ofsted Good Provider
Page Updated 17.02.25

Buttercup Class - Year 2

Teacher: Mrs Dickinson

Email Mrs Dickinson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Crook & Mrs Williams


We have been composing our own music as part of our learning.

We've used the notes C D and E to accompany song we have been learning.


We've been learning how to divide' using cubes.

Email Safety

We have used Purple Mash to explore emails in a safe environment. Children enjoyed getting emails and responding and adding pictures and files.

DT & Gym

A busy day of learning to do a running stitch in DT and making sequences in gymnastics using travelling, balances and rolls.